Who Is The Best Mission: Impossible Character Besides Ethan Hunt? Here’s What /Film Readers Had To Say

We love the “Mission: Impossible” movies, don’t we folks? These globe-trotting, death-defying adventures get bigger and better with each installment.

At the center of each entry is Ethan Hunt, played by stuntman/actor Tom Cruise.

Ethan is our guide into the world of the Imf and their various missions, but he can’t do it all by himself.

He has a team to back him up, and while the team has changed over the years, there’s a core group that stays the same.There’s Ving Rhames as Luther Stickell, a hacker turned Imf agent.

There’s Simon Pegg as Benji Dunn, who started off working in a lab and eventually became a field agent.

Then there’s Ilsa Faust (Rebecca Ferguson), a former MI6 agent who has more or less joined the Imf due to her friendship with Ethan.

There are more team members scattered over the various films, but this is the core group,…

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