Why Does ‘Sex and the City’ Season 1 Look So Different?

Since Sex and the City premiered in the late ’90s, it can be jarring to rewatch it now for many a reason.

From out-of-date storylines to the cheeky fashion (so much low-rise!), another glaring difference is the fact that Season 1 looks completely different from the rest of the seasons.

It’s a completely different format, with each episode incorporating Carrie (Sarah Jessica Parker) interviewing random passersby on the street.

She is a journalist after all, so it does make sense, but the entire addition of the interviews is often forgotten given how quickly the show dropped them.

They were slowly phased out until it wasn’t even noticeable that they were gone completely by Season 2.

But why did the show go that route? Why does Season 1 look like that? What was the reason?…

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