Why Has Disney Never Made a Feature-Length Mickey Mouse Film?

Mickey Mouse and Disney are, in a word, inseparable.

Mickey and his iconic mouse ears are peppered throughout Disney theme parks, toys, clothing, and more.

He is the world’s most famous personality, with market researchers pegging his recognition rate at 97% in the U.S.

alone, which is even higher than old Saint Nick.

As far as corporate mascots go, it’s virtually impossible to do any better.

Mickey and his better half, Minnie Mouse, are always present at Disney events, acting as ambassadors who bring out the child in everyone, even prominent world leaders.

This makes it all the more puzzling that Mickey, in spite of his worldwide popularity, has never been in a feature-length film.

Yes, he appeared in “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice” segment of 1940’s Fantasia, and had a cameo alongside Bugs Bunny in Who Framed Roger Rabbit, but nothing where he is front and center.

The question, then, is…

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