Why That ‘Toy Story’ Theory for ‘Monsters Inc.’ Just Isn’t True

On the surface, Toy Story and Monster, Inc.

have little in common, but both Pixar franchises feature a pair of unlikely friends who didn’t get along when they first met and have a habit of finding trouble.

Despite these similarities, the two stories occur in different worlds, one with monsters and the other with living toys.

But Monsters, Inc.

includes a child from the human world, giving little information about her home.

This is how fans believe the two franchises may connect, and some even point to evidence from the films.

It’s widely known that Pixar includes a constant stream of Easter eggs in each one of their films.

From the Pizza Planet truck in each movie to the hints for their new films, Pixar always creates several references to their other works, usually in small, subtle ways.

Fans search for these Easter eggs and try to use them to connect otherwise unconnected films.

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