Why You’ll Never See This Unreleased Stallone Brothers Murder Comedy

There have been so many movies that have been produced, shot, finished, and then suddenly canceled before release, but few have as chaotic of a development history as the Sylvester and Frank Stallone road trip murder comedy, The Good Life.

This almost-released 1997 film has a hectic reason behind its demise.

Usually, when a highly publicized movie starring big actors is tossed in the can, it’s a huge bummer for fans.

In the case of this movie, it’s a wonder whether it would have ever truly been good in the first place.

The film’s boring premise, massive production issues, and stars with huge egos behind it definitely didn’t help its potential quality.

One thing is for sure though, and that’s that the story behind The Good Life is way too wild to keep on the down low.

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