‘Wildcat’ Review: Director Ethan Hawke’s Portrait Of Writer Flannery O’Connor Blurs Her Truths & Fictions [TIFF]

You could cinematically memorialize the life and works of Southern writer Flannery O’Connor in two ways, either by making a biographical drama or by adapting her work to the screen.

Actor Ethan Hawke, however, directing a dramatic feature film for the fourth time, says, “Why not both?” and gives us a mélange of the two.

Scenes from O’Connor’s stories alternate with scenes from her life—blending so thoroughly as the film proceeds that it is difficult to tell which is which.Continue reading ‘Wildcat’ Review: Director Ethan Hawke’s Portrait Of Writer Flannery O’Connor Blurs Her Truths & Fictions [TIFF] at The Playlist.

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