William Friedkin’s Most Controversial Movie Is Better Than The Critics Claimed

The recently departed William Friedkin has a fascinating relationship with the gay community, not only as the infamous director of “Cruising,” but also as the director of the film adaption of “The Boys in the Band” a decade prior, a monumental work of mainstream American queer cinema (and the first Hollywood-made film to use the word “c***” on screen).

It’s nothing short of a miracle that a director of Friedkin’s caliber is responsible for two of the most impactful queer films in history, both continually debated.

But “Cruising” is on another level.

Depending on who you ask, the film is either a remarkable feat or irredeemable trash, and the controversy started before Friedkin ever called “action.”Loosely based on the novel of the same name by New York Times reporter Gerald Walker about a serial killer targeting gay men in the 1970s, predominantly those in the leather scene, “Cruising” stars…

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