With ‘Evil Dead Rise’ Out, Check Out the Director’s First Feature

Evil Dead Rise is now out and has been released to rapturous acclaim, successfully sating the appetites of the franchise’s diehards by providing everything they were looking for in a reboot and more.

Released last week to scores of clamoring fans — the decision to move the action away from a cabin in the woods to the city has proven wildly successful.

With other quality horror fare arriving in cinemas at a similar time, it’s great to see the franchise roar back into conversations as the Deadites return.

And, reportedly, one or two familiar faces pop up in some way, shape, or form.

Lily Sullivan has been warmly received as a wonderful successor to the mantel while Alyssa Sutherland has been called the most terrifying Deadite to date.

With Irish director Lee Cronin at the helm, the movie’s success was always assured, having proven himself a dab hand in the genre…

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