‘You Sing Loud, I Sing Louder’ Review: A Vulnerable Ewan McGregor Can’t Save This Father-Daughter Addiction Drama [Karlovy Vary]

There’s a fine line between stylized direction and direction that is so fussy that it gets in the way of a film’s actors.

Unfortunately for Emma Westenberg’s directorial debut, “You Sing Loud, I Sing Louder,” that’s a line she does not navigate successfully.

She’s not helped much by the underdeveloped script by Ruby Caster, who shares story credits with Vera Bulder and star-producer Clara McGregor (“American Horror Story”).Continue reading ‘You Sing Loud, I Sing Louder’ Review: A Vulnerable Ewan McGregor Can’t Save This Father-Daughter Addiction Drama [Karlovy Vary] at The Playlist.

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