Zack Snyder’s ‘Star Wars’ Pitch Was a ‘Big Ask’ Since It Had No Pre-Existing Characters and an R-Rating: ‘That Was Almost a Non-Starter’

Zack Snyder’s space opera “Rebel Moon” is coming to Netflix at the end of the year, but it would’ve been a “Star Wars” movie had the “Justice League” director’s original plan for the project panned out.

The idea for “Rebel Moon” started out as a pitch for a Snyder-directed “Star Wars” movie that Lucasfilm heard after Disney acquired the studio in 2012 for $4.05 billion.

Snyder was in post-production on “Man of Steel” when he made his “Star Wars” pitch to Lucasfilm.Snyder said in a new interview with Empire magazine that “a ‘Star Wars’ movie” was “my original concept” for “Rebel Moon,” adding, “It was ‘Seven Samurai’ in space.

I knew that the origins for George [Lucas] were a lot of those Kurosawa films.”“The sale [of Lucasfilm to Disney] had just happened,” Snyder continued.

“There was that window where, you know, who knows what’s possible? I was like, ‘I don’t want any of your characters.

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