Alexander Siddig’s Audition For Star Trek’s Bashir Was Anything But Normal

Actor Alexander Siddig, who played the plucky, handsome young medical officer Dr.

Julian Bashir on “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine,” began the series credited as Siddig El Fadil, his professional name from the start of his career until he changed it in 1995.


Bashir was something of a naïf in the show’s first few seasons, and would, in subsequent seasons, come to outgrow his once-firmly-held immature notions that practicing medicine in desperate locations is a bright, plucky adventure.

He quickly came to realize that he merely needed to work hard to help people in need, and that righteousness was a reward unto itself.

Unlike a lot of the “young” characters on “Star Trek” (Wesley Crusher and Harry Kim come to mind), Dr.

Bashir was allowed to grow up; he had personality traits other than his youth. In the indispensable oral history book “The Fifty-Year Mission: The Next 25 Years: From The…

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