Both Adaptations of This Stephen King Novella Completely Missed the Point

There are few authors as well known as Stephen King, an author so unbelievably prolific that, even discounting his numerous actual novels and just focusing on his short stories, his body of work is titanic.

King has reportedly written over 200 short stories, many of which have been compiled into short story collections.

A bibliography that vast inevitably draws the question as to which is the best and the worst, and while the latter is a bit murkier, there are many popular candidates for his best.

The Shining, Carrie, and It are iconic pieces of horror literature that have been incredibly influential in the genre, and are considered some of the most quintessentially “King.” But there’s another story that arguably deserves the title of King’s best, one of the most influential horror stories he’s ever written – that being the 1980 horror novella The Mist.

Claustrophobic and introspective, the story…

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