Cats: can the CGI nightmare movie actually land on its feet?

The much-hated trailer suggests Tom Hooper’s musical will be a failure, but people said the same thing about Titanic and Snow WhiteMeow! The claws have been out for Cats since the first trailer dropped in July, prompting some 8m YouTube hate-watches and a deluge of online snark and awe.

Cats with breasts! Taylor Swift with digital fur! Judi Dench with digital fur, wearing fur! Humans the size of cats the size of rats! It was the biggest collective Wtf? of 2019.

Cats-shaming brought us together.None of which means that Tom Hooper’s wildly ambitious musical is actually going to be a disaster.

Far from it.

When it comes to predictions of movie failures, the public tends to have both a terrible track record and a conveniently short memory.

Remember “Creepy Paddington”? The 2014 movie’s rendition of the cuddly bear – as a sort of photorealistic stalker from the uncanny

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