David Bowie’s Best Movie Isn’t ‘Labyrinth’ — It’s This War Film

While Jim Henson’s Labyrinth probably features what has come to be known as David Bowie’s most iconic role, fans of the film might be disappointed to know that it was far from the legend’s greatest appearance on the big screen with 1983’s Merry Christmas, Mr.

Lawrence featuring his best performance in a starring role.

Ironically for a film that doesn’t feature any of its characters playing instruments or singing songs, the film starred another megastar musician in the form of Ryuichi Sakamoto, a pioneer in the Japanese electronic music sphere and composer of several timeless classics, including The Last Emperor and The Revenant.

Beyond that, it also marks the acting debut of auteur filmmaker Takeshi Kitano and features another starring performance from Tom Conti, the man who played Einstein in Oppenheimer.

It’s fair to say that the cast is stacked on this one, but with the film turning 40 this year,…

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