Denzel Washington’s Most Terrifying Role Is This Oscar-Winning Performance

The very first shot of Training Day is of the enormous rising morning sun welcoming in a new day.

You can’t help but feel that director Antoine Fuqua and longtime collaborator Denzel Washington were already symbolizing the larger-than-life Los Angeles narcotics detective Alonzo Harris in what would be the actor’s first Best Actor Academy Award-winning performance.

Alonzo is the sun, and everyone else in the movie is just smaller planets and moons revolving around the enormous star at the center of it all.

Washington absolutely owns the screen and every scene he’s in, and you better keep up, or you’re going to get run over by the Washington locomotive.

His turn as a corrupt cop who plays by his own set of rules is the performer at his very best.

There are several reasons why the Oscar winner we normally love as the good guy in other Fuqua movies, like The Magnificent Seven,…

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