Decoding The Batman Trailer’s Floor Of Clues

Warner Bros.

released a spectacular new trailer for Matt Reeves’ “The Batman” during this year’s DC FanDome event, and one of the trailer’s most intriguing moments comes about a minute and twenty seconds into it. Robert Pattinson’s Bruce Wayne is standing in the Batcave trying to decipher clues left by The Riddler (Paul Dano).

Instead of using a Bat-computer or a Bat-spreadsheet or running information through a Bat-database like you or I might do in that situation, he does what I presume all traumatized orphan billionaire detectives do when they encounter a tough conundrum: he spray paints a big question mark in the center of the floor,…The post Decoding The Batman Trailer’s Floor of Clues appeared first on /Film.

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