How A Touch Of Jealousy Led To Tyler Perry’s Unexpected Star Trek Casting

If you watched J.J.

Abrams’ 2009 reboot of the “Star Trek” motion picture franchise — and considering that the film made almost $400 million, earned rave reviews, won an Academy Award for Best Makeup, and helped spawn a “Star Trek” renaissance that persists to this day through multiple acclaimed TV shows, there’s a decent chance you did — then you probably weren’t surprised to discover the film had surprises.

Maybe you knew that original series star Leonard Nimoy came back, but maybe you didn’t know that the planet Vulcan would be destroyed, or that Scotty accidentally killed Captain Archer’s dog.

Either way, the references, revelations, and cameos were practically inevitable, so much so that many “Trek” fans probably didn’t raise an eyebrow at some of them.But there was one moment in Abrams’ first “Star Trek” movie that was genuinely unexpected, thanks to a cameo that had no relationship whatsoever to the franchise’s past,…

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