Hugh Jackman Damaged His Voice From ‘Growling and Yelling’ Too Much as Wolverine: ‘My Vocal Teacher Would Be Horrified’

Hugh Jackman has spent over two decades, six movies and two (uncredited) cameos playing Wolverine in the “X-Men” film franchise, and all that superhero growling has taken a toll on the actor’s voice.

Jackman revealed on the BBC’s “Front Row” show that playing Wolverine has resulted in permanent damage to his vocal cords.“I’ve done some damage to my voice with Wolverine.

My falsetto is not as strong as it used to be and that I directly put down to some of the growling and yelling,” Jackman said.

“My vocal teacher in drama school would’ve been horrified with some of the things I did [as Wolverine].”Jackman continued, “We learned a technique [in school] of how to shout and how to yell without ruining your voice.

However, during Wolverine, I did some screaming and yelling and things that I think did damage to my voice.

I’m working on it.

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