Indie Director Darling Jeff Nichols Pitched The World’s Most Depressing Aquaman Movie To WB

It’s either a rite of passage …

or a war of attrition, depending on how you look at it.

If you’re an acclaimed filmmaker who has typically made original movies at a mid-sized budget with adult audiences in mind — in other words, exactly the type of movie that has been largely done away with and completely subsumed by the superhero blockbuster craze — then you’re inevitably going to be asked about making one of those superhero blockbusters. But every so often, those talented artists actually are interested enough to put some serious thought into their own personal pitch and, in this case, Jeff Nichols might as well have sent those Warner Bros.

executives running for the hills.As we recently saw with the trailer debut for “The Bikeriders,” the marketing for Nichols’ next buzzy project has finally begun in earnest and that means we’re set for the director of well-received movies like “Shotgun Stories,…

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