Jon Bernthal Says Shia Labeouf Aggressively Questioned Why David Ayer Wanted To Make ‘Suicide Squad’ While Meeting About It With An A-List Actor

It’s a decent film, nowhere close to a masterpiece, but the stories of the making of David Ayer’s WWII tank drama “Fury” are nearly legendary.

Ayer put his cast, including Brad Pitt, through a rigorous boot camp; they all took it very, very seriously, bonded, and seemingly all started acting the part of tough guy soldiers in real life when cameras weren’t even rolling.

One of them, Shia Labeouf, went way too far in that regard, giving himself a real-life scar on his face with a knife while on set in front of his castmates and then later, pulled out a tooth because he thought his character would be missing one if he was real (on top of various other shenanigans).Continue reading Jon Bernthal Says Shia Labeouf Aggressively Questioned Why David Ayer Wanted To Make ‘Suicide Squad’ While Meeting About It With An A-List Actor at The Playlist.

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