James Marsden & Hugh Jackman’s X-Men Suits Made For An Embarrassing First Day On Set

The X-Men character Scott Summers, aka Cyclops, always had to wear specially fitted sunglasses or a custom visor — outfitted with magical crystal lenses — to block the powerful laser beams that were always pouring out of his eyes.

Weirdly, the eye beams couldn’t burn through his own eyelids.

The character of Wolverine, meanwhile, was outfitted with striped yellow spandex and an enormous mask sporting outsize facial “wings” that stuck out at least four inches on either side of his head.

The costume didn’t look very wolverine-like — wolverines aren’t yellow — but it was pointy and vicious and looked cool on the page.

High-contrast colors tend to “pop” in superhero stories.Superhero costumes work perfectly well when the character is merely a drawing on a piece of paper.

When outfitting living actors with the same costumes, however, it might look a little silly and, if the costume is too weird,…

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