Jena Malone ‘Maybe Sold Her Soul to the Indie Film Devil’ — and Lived to Tell Many Tales

It’s a long, treacherous road for child stars.

Many don’t make it to adulthood unscathed, and rarely with a respected career to show for it.

Much like Kristen Stewart or Daniel Radcliffe, however, Jena Malone has comfortably moved into a mature body of work that runs the gamut from auteur-driven indies (to stay relevant) with a smattering of popular studio fare (to stay afloat).Once a precocious kid who brought unexpected gravitas to box office hits like “Contact” (1997) and “Stepmom” (1998), Malone successfully transitioned into arty indie darling with her turn in “Donnie Darko” (2001).

Since then, she’s excelled in everything from horror to sci-fi to period comedies, bringing her unique screen presence to “The Neon Demon” and “The Hunger Games” without missing a beat.So, what’s her secret?“Maybe I sold my soul to the independent film devil, and I’ve been moderately sacrificing my blood every new moon or something.

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