‘Last Night in Soho’ Ending Explained – Does Eloise Escape the Past?

Edgar Wright has developed plenty of unpredictable stories throughout his career, including Scott Pilgrim vs.

the World and Baby Driver.

But a particular plot from the filmmaker that turned out to be haunting was Last Night in Soho, the tale of how Eloise (Thomasin McKenzie) had to solve a murder that had taken place in her house decades before she even moved in.

Through a collection of visions, it appeared that Sandie (Anya Taylor-Joy) was trying to tell her that the man known as Jack (Matt Smith) had murdered her, and it was up to Ellie to find her killer in the modern day.

However, things weren’t what they appeared to be, and the conclusion of the film would include a major reveal that changed the entire context of the story.

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