Leonard Nimoy Was Ready To Quit Star Trek Before He’d Even Finished His First Episode

If you had to make a list of the top five people born to play an iconic character, there’s a good chance that Leonard Nimoy would make that list.

The actor brought Spock to life on “Star Trek” in a way that was uniquely his own.

Tall, angular, and with an insane amount of presence, Nimoy introduced the world to Vulcans in such an impactful way that even people who have never seen a single “Star Trek” TV episode or movie could tell you that this fictional race of alien life has pointed ears and values logic over emotion.

Heck, you might even be able to get every one of these non-fans to throw you a “live long and prosper” Vulcan salute.You’d think that someone that was so successful at conveying an entirely new race of intelligent beings to the mass populace would find it easy to do.


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