Matt Damon Talks ‘Avatar’ Offer, Missing Out on $250 Million: I ‘Desperately Wanted to Work’ With James Cameron but ‘Couldn’t Leave’ Bourne

Matt Damon’s decision to turn down James Cameron’s 2009 space epic “Avatar,” which remains the highest-grossing movie of all time with $2.9 billion worldwide, remains one of the more infamous casting what-ifs of recent blockbuster history.

Damon turned down the film despite an offer that included receiving 10% of the box office back end, which would’ve meant a $250 million payday for him.During a recent interview with Chris Wallace, the “Avatar” offer got brought up again and prompted Damon to explain his thought process behind turning it down.“I’m sure it’s the most money an actor ever turned down, you know?” Damon said about his decision, stressing that he did not want to get out of his contract for another “Jason Bourne” movie at the time.“I had a contract,” Damon said.

“I was in the middle of shooting the ‘Bourn’e movie and I knew that we…

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