My Daughter Wants ‘Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio’ to Win Best Picture, So Why Can’t Her Wish Come True?

What a world we could live in if only we allowed the innocence of children to run it.My 11-year-old daughter Sophia is just learning about the scope of movies.

You would assume the child of an entertainment writer and Oscar enthusiast might be well-versed in the styles of Akira Kurosawa and Steven Spielberg.

Instead, she’s currently enamored with the world of horror movies, with the “Scream” franchise standing as her most vital consumption.She’s only been to a handful of industry screenings, one of which was Pixar’s “Coco” (2017), which gave the two of us the memorable moment in which I was weeping intensely as Miguel sang to his beloved grandmother after returning to the real world.

Then, with a dead silent New York audience, not knowing how to use her “inside voice,” she shouted, “Are you crying?” The crowd erupted in laughter.Now, living in Los Angeles for over a year,

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