Star Trek: Lower Decks Built An Entire Subplot Around Deep Space Nine’s Most Hated Episode

In the latest episode of “Star Trek: Lower Decks,” called “In the Cradle of Vexilon,” Lieutenants Tendi (Noël Wells), Rutherford (Eugene Cordero), and Mariner (Tawny Newsome) are assigned a maddeningly difficult and menial task by their superior officer, a man they only refer to as Dirk.

They are required to comb through hundreds and hundreds of isolinear computer chips, looking for the one that has an error.

The room they’re in fills with toxic gasses every few minutes, and the temperatures get unbearably hot.

After a few hours on the job, the three lieutenants begin to surmise that their job isn’t strictly necessary and that Dirk is secretly putting them through some sort of hazing ritual. They instantly think of their revenge: Make Dirk play Chula. Earlier in the episode, the trio entered a storage warehouse on the USS Cerritos and found it stocked with items and widgets seen in previous “Star Trek” episodes.

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