Star Trek’s Temporal Cold War And Its Messy Behind-The-Scenes Origins Explained

Star Trek: Enterprise” was originally intended to be a lot more low-tech than it was.

“Enterprise” is set roughly a century prior to the original “Star Trek,” and show co-creator Brannon Braga initially conceived of a series that was a lot more earthbound.

There were to be no transporters, no phasers, and — perhaps most controversially — no trekking.

Braga wanted the bulk of the show’s first season to take place entirely on Earth as the Enterprise is built and humanity prepares for its first extended mission into space.

Paramount, however, didn’t like Braga’s ideas, feeling that the Enterprise needed to be launched in the pilot.

Also transporters.

Also phasers.

Recognizable Trek iconography was required.

Braga reached a compromise by including transporters, but stating that it was still a new technology unsafe for human use.

And, yes, Enterprise officers carried phasers.Paramount wasn’t happy with just those cosmetic additions, however.

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