‘Star Wars’: Still With Us, But No Longer Above Us (Column)

The Force is no longer with us.

Don’t deny it.

Just say it and accept it.

Let go of the fear.

In losing the Force, much to regain we have.

Maybe even our souls.“Star Wars” is over! Long live “Star Wars”!But not, if there is a God, for too long.

Have you seen the President of the United States that 40 years of living inside the addictive narcotic of fantasy culture has brought us? Maybe it’s time to give up a dream that was actually played out long ago.In the mid-1970s, when everything except punk rock moved at a pace so slow that Jimmy Carter’s drawl seemed charismatic, two movies, “Jaws” and “Star Wars,” famously gave rise to the new blockbuster aesthetic of Hollywood.

It was a retro revolution, and it wasn’t just about movies.

It was about a way that all of

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