Terrence Malick May Release A Longer ‘To The Wonder’ Cut,’ & New ‘Way Of The Wind’ Film May Not Arrive Anytime Soon

One of the most reclusive filmmakers of all time—at least where the press and publicity is concerned, he hasn’t done an interview since the 1970s and hasn’t posed for an official photograph since before then— Terrence Malick marches to the beat of his own eccentric drum.

Literally, the filmmaker works on his own timetable and pretty much does whatever he wants, including taking a 20-year hiatus from filmmaking between 1978’s “Day of Heaven” (which is re-joining the Criterion Collection in a new edition announced today) and 1998’s “The Thin Red Line.Continue reading Terrence Malick May Release A Longer ‘To The Wonder’ Cut,’ & New ‘Way Of The Wind’ Film May Not Arrive Anytime Soon at The Playlist.

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