The Best Throwaway Joke In The Strange New Worlds/Lower Decks Crossover Makes A Big Fan Theory Canon

This post contains spoilers for the latest episode of “Star Trek: Strange New Worlds.”One of the more amusing aspects of “Star Trek” is that when a Starfleet captain meets an all-powerful deity, in some cases literal gods, they roll their eyes.

Star Trek” takes place in a post-religious world wherein old faiths have given way to a form of technology-driven benevolent humanism.

When Captain Kirk (William Shatner) meets Apollo, the god is waved away as a problem that needs to be solved.

When Kirk meets the Mesoamerican deity Kukulkan, he merely explains to the all-powerful serpent that humanity how outgrown the need for gods.

When Kirk meets an impish trickster god named Trelane, the Squire of Gothos (William Campbell), he slaps him across the face. The same is true of Captain Picard (Patrick Stewart).

When Picard meets an equally impish trickster god named Q (John De Lancie), he rolls…

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