The History Of The Romulans, And Their Place In The Star Trek Universe

Star Trek” is home to countless alien races, but few have as enduring a presence in the franchise as the Romulans.

They’re the most persistent adversaries of the Federation, so much so that blue-tinted Romulan Ale remains under trade embargo.

This hostility makes it all the more ironic that they resemble humanity’s first alien allies, the Vulcans, sharing their pointed ears and arched eyebrows.The in-universe origin of the Romulans is that they were Vulcans, millennia ago.

In that distant past, the Vulcans were a warlike people, far from the cold logicians that fans know.

That changed when (in Earth’s 4th century), the philosopher Surak taught his people to embrace logic and master their emotions.

Not all Vulcans accepted Surak’s teachings; “Those Who March Beneath The Raptor’s Wings” were eventually exiled from Vulcan.

These dissident Vulcans settled on the twin planets Romulus and Remus, evolving into the Romulans and personifying…

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