Nick Fury’s First Solo Project Wasn’t ‘Secret Invasion’ — It Was This

Samuel L.

Jackson’s beloved super-spy Nick Fury is set to return to the Marvel Cinematic Universe with his first solo storyline with the highly anticipated Secret Invasion, but would you believe us if we told you this wasn’t the first time Nick Fury had his own standalone story? It’s an understandably tough pill to swallow, but what if we also told you it was one of the earliest Marvel Comics adaptations, predating the MCU, Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man trilogy, and the X-Men franchise? Surely this “totally not real” project wouldn’t feature Michael Knight as the title character, right? Yeah, what’s next? Was this straight to television movie written by the same person who wrote The Dark Knight? Well, believe it or not, all those things are true, and the result was the 1998 straight-to-tv feature film, Nick Fury: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.

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